Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso Funny

Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso (TV Series 2016–2018) Poster

4 /10

Bad acting

And using 30s to play as 15 and 18 years old!?

Give me a break.

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3 /10

Where's the story going?

Warning: Spoilers

I really liked the first season. Then it all went downhill on the Second season and the third is the reason I'm writing this review. I really dislike Mariana, I get that the story is trying to recreate her mother's bad choices, but she doesn't even cry when she's crying! And don't get me started with the fact about a witch that has a spell and curse on most of the characters... so now they are chasing ghosts? They detached the story from the drug traffickers and the main storyline. Good concept turned crap!

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3 /10

There shouldn't have been a sequel

In the wake of success from other Telemundo super series such as 'El Rey de Los Cielos' and 'Señora Acero', someone thought it'd be a good idea to make a sequel from the original 'Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso". They were very wrong. For starters, in her efforts to play the role of a teenager, 32 yr old Carolina Gaitan has dumbed herself down so much that the "new Cata" is painful to watch. Carmen Villalobos, in her original role, played a much more believable teenager: smart, sassy, stubborn and very relatable. The 'new Cata' leaves much to be desired. The new series tries to answer questions that were left open ended in the original, Those questions however are not worth enough to keep a viewer interested in this spin off. At the time, those questions were left up the viewer's discretion as to their answer and within that lies the magic of the original series. 'Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso' was a social, moral, political commentary on the state of young women in Latin America that left a powerful message on its viewers. The sequel is disappointing, it tries too hard to build excuses for Cata's family who let her down so long ago and haven't gained an ounce of wisdom in the years since. An unnecessary sequel which attempts to tarnish the legacy of the original.

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3 /10

Really bad and forced narrative

So repetitive, filled with unnecessary gaps and scenes. Carolina's acting job is so annoying and bad, really frustrating to watch, bad acting from all the cast. They could've saved easily 50% of the episodes by not adding unnecessary content. Too bad a great story from Sin senos no hay paraíso is destroyed by this material in this series. Don't recommend it at all.

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1 /10

Catherine Siachoque

Let's be honest: Catherine Siachoque is getting worst and worst as an actress, she used to be a good one, but this performance is so pitiful. Her husband is abusing his role as director of the season 1, and he is imposing her with a main role in every sequel he directs. That accent (paisa) that she is trying to do, it is so fake, I don't know why they have to change that from the first season, that was more natural than this second one. Terrible what a shame!!! On the other hand they have excellent performers like the actor who plays the role as "mugroso"', the actress with the role as "la diabla" and a couple of more actors that I don't remember their names, that exceed their roles on the second season.

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7 /10

Very confused

Warning: Spoilers

How come Albeiro's last name was Manrique on the first one and changed to Marin on the second one? Why did Albeiro think he was having a boy on the second one when it clearly says they were having a girl on the first one? How did Catalina la grande go from this airhead brat to this badass DEA agent? Please... Is this really based on a true story?

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1 /10


The original "Sin Senos No Hay Paraíso" was an amazing story, following the hard life of a group of girls growing up in Colombia. Great actors, great story, great ending.

"Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso" is a "continuation" of the previous show. This serie is nothing compared the first one. There was no need to change the original story, but it was done, dissaointig all watchers. The orinal story was a much interesting one.

Why did they have to change the accents? These accents are awful, I understand that the characters matured but there was no need for that. I can't stand Doña Hilda's accent.

The new Catalina is absolutely nothing like the first one, not that she had to be because she was raised differently than the first Catalina, but if you're going to make a continuation and you want your watchers to stay interested, the main character needs to be more enjoyable to watch. The new Catalina is very boring to see. She is not smart, not sassy, no charismatic.

If this is a show very influence by women's contemporary beauty standard, the new Catalina does not fit for her role. Throughout the show, it's mention so much that the new Catalina is more attractive than Hilda's first daughter, and I do not agree.

In the original Show, Catalina was know for being beautiful, and most importantly for having a sweet young look, the actor fit perfectly with the description. But in the new one, they have a 32 year old woman play a role of a 15th year old girl? (The younger Catalina) I couldn't concentrate in the story because I keep on wondering the actors age, she look a lot older than her character.

I agree with most reviews, jotas character was a downgrade. His character could have had an amazing role for his very interesting life story, but it was completely ruined.

La Diabla, had a very drastic changer in her character. Her original character was a more realistic vilan.

If the production was able to reclute all the original characters, is ubderstandable, I believe they did a good job at replacing them.

Unfortunately I'm not happy with the new production just like many other fans from the original serie.

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6 /10

Season 3 RUINED the show.

Warning: Spoilers

Are you KIDDING me?

The writers of the show completely insulted the audiences intellegence when it came to season 3. Half of the show was long and drawn out flashbacks. Even though the story is a MESS, we don't need to be reminded EVERY 5 MINUTES. I counted and in one episode, the show consisted of 15 minutes of flashbacks. FIFTEEN MINUTES.

Also has Catalina forgotten about the fact Vanessa helped her ALL the time in seasons 1 and 2, she gets kidnapped by the cannibal and Catalina doesn't really seem to care about her missing friend and even trades her in for a shiny, new one. She even leaves for Bogota without knowing where her childhood friend is. She didn't even put a flyer up or ANYTHING. Ecen thoughultimately, her and her family fued with La Diabla and Daniela have caused ALL of this. Like the situation with Daniel Ceron and his pregnant girlfriend who got abducted by Martin (for whatever reason). And they barely helped him. Those two suffered tragedy after tragedy courtesy of the Santana family. But it was all swept under the rug by them.

Also it's very hard to root for characters that are so unbelivably dull. I'm so glad I don't have to put up with Catalina and Nachito anymore. And are we still pretending that the two actors have any chemistry? Absolutely painful.

And don't even get me started on Martin's sudden descent into...whatever that was. I loved the idea that he was a serial killer obsessed with Catalina all of a sudden but then it got slightly ridiculous.

Hilda seems to have lost her charm, and why is her ex husband living in the house with them? They really are desperate to get Albeiro and Catalina La Grande back together again, huh? ALSO IS ALBEIRO NOT WORRIED ABOUT HIS NEW CHILD? The child got stolen and they just let it go. And was he serious when he said he was in love with her? Or? The two of them had the best chemistry in the show.

And don't get me started on the introduction of black magic and witches and curses. Which also didn't really get cleared up. Or did I just miss that? I may have skipped out of boredom. The woman playing possessed Paula was laughable.

Half of the really good characters died. Filthy, Pipe, Octavio, Danela.

And when Daniela died, so did a part of the show. We see Yesica grow crazier by the day. Driving around with her daughters preserved dead body. Brilliant. That scene gave me chills. However, I never thought in the beginning, that I would ever be sad over her dying. After Calvo *basically* raping her and not even winning the pageant, she was tired of playing second fiddle to Catalina and decided to end it all. Whether it was a serious cry for help or if she intended on dying that day, we'll never know. I really missed her. Imagine her VS Mariana.

The addition of Dayana and Mariana. They are unbearable to watch. Every time they're on screen, I just want to die. Insufferable. I just need them both to die.

And the biggest betrayal of all?

Replacing Majida Issa. How could they think this was a good or clever idea? That woman carried the ENTIRE show and everybody knows it. I obviously don't respect myself because I will be watching Season 4 but I refuse to enjoy it.

You should absolutely watch this but get ready to be disappointed come the third act. RUINED.

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4 /10


Catalina's character is exaggerated and boring.Her talk and accent is cringy and not pleasant to watch.The mum too.Daniela and Her mum are the only one who keep me going in the series. It has a very amazing story line but the actors are tasteless.Atleast 90% of them are and the series is too wordy.Repeating same things each time and funny flashbacks which we already knew.

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8 /10

It's just gone down hill(most accurate review)

Warning: Spoilers

I really wanted to love this show, honestly I did. There are way too many inconsistencies in the show though. I agree with the other reviews that were saying that this doesn't reach the level that "No Hay Paraiso" was at. That doesn't mean the show was entirely bad though. Honestly the first season wasn't too bad. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I was hooked at the beginning of season 2 also. I loved the idea of Catalina La Grande being apart of the show again and she excelled in her role in my opinion. As did a few other actors/actresses such as Yesica, Daniel Ceron, Hernan Dario, and a few others. In the end the story got way too complicated and there was too much jumping around in between storylines and motives. One minute Mariana is writing a goodbye letter to her parents detailing her love for her mother and father and the next minute, she planning on becoming the youngest female drug dealer to get back at her mother? And are we also going to ignore the fact that Jota went AWOL in the last few episodes and left Vanessa and baby Nanita to die, but in the final episode of season 3, everything is okay between them and they act like nothing ever happened( same thing with Paola! didn't she kill a nurse for God's Sake!) All In all, I think the writers are just BS-ing their way throughout the show. Honestly they should've ended the show better and just stopped pushing the storyline. I can't even imagine what's to come in Season 4.

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2 /10

getting a bit silly

I agree with the last review, what is it with that silly accent? almost sounds like she's on xanax, and "J" who sounds like chavo del ocho is painful to watch.

I like the original series, although their soundtrack was awful the story line kept me interested. They vastly improved on this new season in many ways including the soundtrack which is great..

Surely they forgot the last episode where Cata gets killed was a rainy late afternoon, they started this new one on a bright at 11am dry day. Oh well, not a biggie. What happened to the models going to Spain and their future getting brighter? all of the sudden they are back hooking and the rest in dire straights.

lately, the overly abused kidnap or captures is getting old and let's hope the end is near because this series is getting ridiculous and it could have been great, they just went too far and silly in my opinion.

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4 /10

Disappointing !!!

The story started well but lost direction. So ex prostitute becomes head of DEA but still dresses like a prostitute on and off duty...Great!!! Daniella looked way hotter than Catalina. Catalina la grande doesn't care to find out the truth about Santi's truth but go steal her mum's man. Character development of Vanessa was interesting. Alberio,,,poor chap... handsome but no balls...only three consistent great characters I enjoyed is la Diabla ,Jota and Titi.

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2 /10

worst I have seen

Only reason why I watched this novela was because my girlfriend watches it to go to sleep. When girls have to wear short shirts and show a lot of cleavage then you know the story line, acting, and everything else is going to suck. Only way they can get people to watch is by having attractive people on the show. All the actors just suck like for real. I honestly can not stand watching 5 minutes of it. One of the scenes that really got to me was when "Daniela's"dad and "titi" attacked "la Diabla" they had a shoot out inside the house, furniture overturned bullets flying everywhere yet no bullet holes on the walls. The stunts looked so fake, at least try and make it more real. Catalina is too dramatic, she doesn't want people thinking she is a prostitute yet she's always dressing like one. Make up your mind! This show is just horrible. If I could print it, I would print it into toilet paper and use it to wipe, because this show is just pure feces. I could go on and on about how horrible this show is but I will just stop because frankly just thinking and talking about it makes me upset because it's trash. Moral of the story, do not watch novelas, actors suck, story line is always predictable, and they are over dramatic.

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1 /10

Doña Hilda's accent

Why do good shows have to change? Doña Hilda's accent set a bad precedence for this new series. Cringe worthy to say the least. Her new paisa accent makes her unrelatable to her original chanarcter. I really enjoyed the first SSNHP. Maybe they should have left good enough alone with the end of that one. The new SSSHP is too way out there and different. Disappointed for sure.

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5 /10

What happened to Jota

I agree with all of the negative reviews but even still I love both Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso and Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso. Painful acting from some and the soundtrack repeats itself but I'm forever drawn in. But I digress, I'm here to question Jota's character. Did we forget he use to be a hardcore motorcycle riding, gun slanging thug/hitman? At what point did he turn into someone overly mindless and scary? He's complete opposite of how he started out. Of course you want and expect some character development but in his case it was character failure. I love Jota nonetheless but he needs to be toughened up some if by chance you all have another season with little Catalina having a baby.

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They really messed up by doing this sequel.

Sin Senos no Hay Paraíso is my all time favorite novela. My mom use to watch it when I was a kid and now that I'm 21 I decided to rewatch it to better understand it and to fully enjoy it and it's great! So imagine my disappointment when the second part of the novela came out "Sin senos si hay paraíso" They changed the majority of the actors/actresses but that's not the part that dissappoints me! It's the fact that they changed up so many important details from the ending of the previous novela to make this one work and it just ruined it for me. The new Catalina is also extremely annoying throughout the whole show. I really wanted this to be better, I'm so disappointed by the outcome. I'm giving it three stars because it's watchable but it's nothing compared to the original.

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3 /10

Sadly disappointing sequel to original Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso

Warning: Spoilers

I really liked the original Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso, it was intriguing, well acted, and had a believable story line. Catalina la Grande (Villalobos) is an incredibly beautiful actress and talented in her role. No matter what she does she never loses the aura of sweetness, innocence, and likeability. In the new series Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso, Catalina la Mediana is too old to play that role, not nearly as pretty as the first Catalina who is supposed to be her big sister, and infinitely less likeable, being loud, a ruffian, and opposite of what everyone says she is portraying in the role. Not sweet, not gentle, not an angel, but very much an spoiled, unkind, immature bully in many instances. She and Hernan Dario have no fire or passion sparking between them to make their relationship seem real, unlike Catalina la Grande and Albeiro who are perfect as star-crossed lovers. The girl who plays Daniela, an unlikable character, is an excellent actress lending passion and believable emotion to her role and is beautiful as well as dramatic. Jota's role has downgraded him from the original smart, streetwise, caring, brave young man with a stutter, to a jester-like brainless coward unlike the Jota in the original series. Dona Hilda has also lost 90% of her original appeal and personality in the new series. El Titi is still dynamic, funny, passionate, romantic, and evil, but too entertaining and charming to hate as a villain because he is amazing as an actor. Martin turning cannibal, serial killer is ridiculous, a waste of an excellent, talented, James Bond-like actor who is beloved by many north American viewers for his role as Oscar in Pasion de Gavillanes. There is now graphic violence, gore, murder, torture, and gruesomeness for the stake of shock value and it is often disgusting and unnecessary to the story-line, as is the insane addition of voodoo, witches, curses, and black magic which has no place in a story that was never intended to be supernatural. The evil is human and criminal, not other worldly. And now they add a third new Yesica, the first was the best, but how does one explain a face transplant that somehow added five to seven inches of height to the character? It is sad that they could not keep up the quality of the original story and it just keeps getting worse and is now hard to watch without wondering who is writing this new stuff and why? Old story lines are not followed through from one episode to the next let alone from the original series. The sound tract often drowns out the actors voices making them hard to understand. I watch to keep my Spanish current, I am nearly fluent and don't watch with subtitles, but as the story lines cease to make sense and actors are not allowed to showcase their true talents, it is not a series most North American viewers will be willing to follow. It used to be great. I wish they would try to recapture the original if they are granted another season, but I would say that Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso was a 9 or 10 rating, Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso is maybe a 3.

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6 /10

Cheesy and melodramatic

Overacting, cheesiness, etc. I get that it's the genre, but 90 episodes per season of it is way, way too much. Ya a partir del episodio 10 me produjo bastante empacho.

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3 /10

Spoiled Main Character

Warning: Spoilers

I did like the series, with the exception of the main character Catalina. She was a spoiled brat with out a brain. She was the main character and the worst actress. I fast forward her scenes at the end I cant believe parents let there 18 year old adults act that way no matter the reason.

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2 /10

Doña Hilda acting and voice

Every time Doña Hilda talks I fast forward. I can't stand her voice, she is just so dramatic and I just want to stop watching completely because of her. Her voice and her acting is so pathetic period!!

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2 /10

Also agree with last reviewer, but it gets worse

Warning: Spoilers

Instead of the potential for season 2 & 3 to create stronger characters and build on the story lines it gets worse. Serial cannibal, witch craft and CONSTANT inconsistencies with how characters behave made this tele novela painful to watch

Catalina Gaitan's acting in this series was awful, the constant bawling and mood swings was unbearable. The villains in this show were the only thing that saved it, Yessica, Marianna and Titi as well as poor fat gordo.

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4 /10

Catherine Siachoque

Catherine Siachoque ruined the show with her performance. I was addicted to the show so I couldnt stop watching but every time I seen her on the screen I cringed at the thought of hearing her voice again!!!

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1 /10

Worst character catherine sioche

Hilda aka Catherine Sioche whatever her last name plays such a pathetic character. Not only is she soo annoying always crying and acting so innocent despite she stole her daughter's man in the novela. Her accent is so terrible. This actress is one of the worst I've ever seen. She needs to stop filming she is so annoying. I swear everytime her part shows I get so frustrated and annoyed with her. So so so annoying. Hopefully she sees this comment because she needs to practice and stop whining. So annoying

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4 /10

Season 1 was good, Season 2 was okay, Season 3 is just terrible

Warning: Spoilers

I really enjoyed the first Season and part of the second one. However Season 3 is terrible... witches, cannibal serial killer, Mariana's obsession with Hernan Dario, the annoying Dayana, everybody forgetting about Valentina... I miss Gato Gordo, Daniela, La diabla...

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